5 best Local Multiplayer games for Android

5 best Local Multiplayer games for Android

      Playing video games with other people is the best way to play video games. You get to share in the excitement, challenge your friends, and have fun together. Social gaming is relatively easy on Android. However, it’s a little more difficult if you want to play with a friend in the same room as you are. Here is a list of the best local multiplayer games for Android that you can play with your buddies right next to you.

List of 5 Best Local Multiplayer Games for Android Mobile


BADLAND is a classic platform game. It's also one of the few with local multiplayer support. It supports up to four players on the same device. The game also has fun graphics, a level editor, full controller support, cloud saving, and support for Android TV. That makes this one of the great local multiplayer games no matter the device. It's getting up there in age a little bit. However, the developers keep it updated for now.


  BombSquad is a multiplayer game recommendation from one of our readers. It's a party style game with a bunch of explosions and rag doll physics. The game allows for up to eight participants at once. They all try to bomb each other to claim supremacy. The game supports hardware controllers as well as Android TV. There is also a remote control app so players can play without purchasing a controller on Android TV. There is advertising, but otherwise it's completely free.

03.Chess by AI Factory Limited

Chess is one of the most popular IRL multiplayer games. It functions well as one on mobile as well. Chess by AI Factory Limited is about as good as it gets. It features simple graphics, simple controls, board themes, excellent single player modes, and plenty of other ways to play. That includes pass-and-play local multiplayer. You already know how Chess works. The free version of the game comes with all the features and then also advertising. The pro version is identical minus the advertising.

04.Glow Hockey 2

   Glow Hockey 2
 is a simple local multiplayer game. In fact, it's basically just air hockey. The game includes simple graphics, good mechanics, and good physics. You just move your cursor and hit the puck back at your opponent to score a goal. The game includes a single player mode as well as a two player mode. The multiplayer takes place on the same device. Thus, it might be a it cramped on smaller devices. Otherwise, it's fine. The game is free with ad support. We wish there was a pro version with no ads, but it's hard to complain too much about a free game.

05.Pool Break Pro 3B Billiards

Pool Break Pro is one of the classic local multiplayer games. This one excels at most things compared to other pool games. That includes excellent graphics, good physics, online and offline multiplayer and single player modes, two dozen total pool-style games, and a lot more. You can play with friends online with invite codes. However, the game is also capable of pass-and-play style multiplayer. It's also fairly cheap. The free version is good for testing, but the pro version of this game is even better.


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